Clawson, Chris2020-04-132020-04-13Circa 1917 F.E. Wells & Son company (later part of GTD) produced pipe wrenches. This photograph is probably demonstrating the quality assurance “stress test” for a Wells wrench. The operator appears to be testing an F.E. Wells & Son company brand wrench, rather than one with a GTD logo. GTD aquired the company in 1917 and shortly after discontinued all products not related to thread cutting. This photo is likely WW1 era or earlier.--- (Quoted from a catalog)---TESTED---Every wrench is thoroughly tested on a special machine we have made for that purpose. In this way we find any weakness or flaw before it goes to our customers, and we almost never have one broken in use.Greenfield Tap & Die Co.GTDStress Testing of Pipe Wrenches