Colrain Historical Society2020-04-102020-04-102/26/2018 Main Street looking south (store on right); - There was no Griswoldville when Joseph settled on the North River. But there had been manufacturing in the town. In 1795 Capt. Edward Adams had started a fulling mill at the location later called Adamsville. And as early as 1814 Warren P. King, Isaac Johnson and others had begun the manufacture of cotton goods at what in now Shattuckville. Other industries included Lyons' Furniture shop at Lyonsville, Willis' Foundry, and various smaller ventures.- In this town, then, Joseph Griswold came and settled. "They commenced their married life in a house at Griswoldville, now standing, which he had erected with his own hands."* The shop also he built himself. One story says he laid seven thousand shingles in one day on his barn.Colrain millsGriswoldwille, Mass.