Ed Gregory archive2020-12-272020-12-27https://dspace.montaguearchive.org/handle/MHS-01376/5525>>>The date of the item is in the File Name, i.e., 1eg09vd.jpg<<< -- >>>the number in the name (09) is the year of the image . . . 1909. >>>Other dates 1908, 12, 39.Aug. 11, 1909. "George Van Dyke, the lumber king of New England, went to his long home after a sensational automobile accident, at Riverside, Sunday in a manner somewhat harmonious with the wonderful man's life and marvelous achievements."___The left sidebar contains a PDF >>> Click on gvd.pdf to read a detailed account of Van Dyke's time on the planet.A Gallery of 10 ItemsenGeorge, Van Dyke, Lumber, Connecticut River, Log DriveGeorge Van Dyke. Connecticut River Lumber KingArticle