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A Gallery of 29 Items - Schell Bridge 1907-1991
>>>Item dates in the File Name, i.e., 1eg77schb.jpg<<< -- >>>the number in the name (77) is the year of the item . . . 1977.<<<
The Schell Memorial Bridge is a steel cantilever Pennsylvania (Petit) truss bridge spanning 515 feet of the Connecticut River in the town of Northfield, Massachusetts. Designed by Edward S. Shaw, the bridge abutments and piers were built by the firm of Ellis & Buswell of Woburn, Massachusetts, and the superstructure was built by the New England Structural Company of East Everett, Massachusetts. The bridge was commissioned by Francis R. Schell, who gave $42,000 for design and construction. Construction began in 1901 and was completed in 1903. In 1985, due to advanced deterioration of the steel truss members, the bridge was barricaded and abandoned. Source: Wikipedia