John Keith Letters page 17
dc.descriptionmanage to put the $50,000 that is in the 5 -- c -- Savings Bank into Greenfield S. Bank. There are the notes that A. H. Rice is in. I think we can fix it to let him out – I for one shall be glad to get rid of him as he casts a gloom over me every time I go to Boston that is equal to a total Eclipse and it takes me two weeks to get rid of it. -- We have at Five Cent Savings one note of $20,000 with these names - -- Alvah Crocker -- E Bulkley -- A. Pagenstecher -- Alex Rice -- T. G. Carson -- John Keith -- Supposing we put C. T. Crocker in place of A. C. and leave out A. H. Rice Then can thru $30,000 note. -- Leave A. H. Rice out and put B. Farren in place of Carson. Then [see] the $30,000 note. That will make them all right if B. F. will agree to it. I will see him and wish --  ; -- Alexander Hamilton Rice (August 30, 1818 – July 22, 1895) was an American politician and businessman from Massachusetts. He served as Mayor of Boston from 1856 to 1857, a U.S. Congressman during the American_Civil_War, and as the 30th Governor of Massachusetts from 1876–78. He was part owner and president of Rice-Kendall, one of the nation's largest paper products distributors.  -- Rice also invested in paper manufacturing operations, serving as president of both the Keith Paper Company in Turners Falls, Massachusetts and the American Sulphite Pulp Company. -- --   Thomas G. Carson of Dalton, MA would become a director of the K.P.Co. In 1873.-- Bernard N. Farren of Pennsylvania. Engineer, Industrialist. Farren maintained a summer residence at Montague City, (Town of Montague) Mass. Farren was a benefactor to the villages of Montague City and Turners Falls. The Farren Memorial Hospital was built by him at Montague City.
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