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circa 2/1882
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Greenfield [Page torn] -- My dear Brown, -- I have just received the copy of “Milne” that you so kindly sent. I feel gratified that you should think of me in connection with a book of that kind I am glad you sent it to me because I had read some extracts from his sermons and wanted to read more. -- I am also glad because it is a pretty good assurance that you are with him and us – rather than with the “Mupties”.With kind regards to Mrs. Brown. -- Yours Truly -- John Keith -- -- [*] “Mupties”; characters from Milne’s literary work. “Winnie-the-Pooh.” ? -- e.g. -- -- -- -- ; -- “Mupties”; characters from Milne’s literary work. “Winnie-the-Pooh.” ? -- e.g --