John Keith Letters page 353
dc.descriptionFeby. 19, 8 [1878] -- Friend Jones, -- Your favor of 13th at hand. We are getting alomg on orders.The mill is running quite strong but it has not been a good year to make money as last for the first six months. As up to Nov.1st we made $29000.00 --   a little more than 10 -- pc -- and I am quite confident that we shall make another 10 -- pc -- before May 1st .  And be able to make a [slight] dividend. We have already paid off the [last] [note] [?] --  ; -- <strong>John Keith Letters page 353a            </strong> -- Note: The upper-right corner of this page is “dog-eared” or missing. This would include the page number. Hence the page #353a. The very next page is numbered as it should be . . . #354. -- e.g -- . -- -- you of $25000 .00 -- out of the profits since May. We now owe nobody anything and are as you may say in fair sailing condition. I think the “Brown” scheme has gone by and that the Turners Falls Water Power Co. has bought the land. I sometimes regret that we did not buy it but on the [whole]. We are just as well off today without it. It is possible that we shall yet get the land between our mill and the bridge although we
dc.titleJohn Keith Letters page 353
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